International Conference on One Health, The 6th International Conference on One Health

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Analysis of the implementation of brucellosis control management as an effort to increase animal productivity.
Ferdi Fathurohman, Nurul Mukminah, Tiara Widya Putri, Rita Purwasih

Last modified: 2019-10-07


The level of welfare of farmers in Subang Regency, West Java Province is the focus in the West Java Provincial Government and Subang District Government programs. However, the level of welfare of farmers is disrupted due to the brucellosis that causes miscarriage in cattle. The purpose of this study is to analyze the application of Brucellosis control management as an effort to increase cattle productivity. The data collection method is by conducting FGD with Veterinarians and Animal Health Officers in the Subang Regency and interviews with farmers. The population of this research is 1500 productive female beef cattle spread in Subang Regency, the number of samples taken is 20% of the population that is 300 productive female beef cattle that have received animal health services. The results show that miscarriage or brucellosis problems often occur in cattle raised by breeders with a percentage of 1.6%. This research is important because in an effort to increase the productivity of cattle with various problems that can be obstacles to achieving an increase in cattle population in Indonesia.